
Ducted air conditioning is the ultimate climate control solution for all HVAC needs.

HVAC systems are used in the home and have ducts throughout the house where cool and warm air flow to keep your home at a comfortable temperature. You can set the system to fan, which keeps the air in your home circulating without cooling or heating it
Advantages of Duct System

  • While a ducted system can be more expensive than other types of home air conditioners, the following advantages make it a preferred cooling solution in Australian households:
  • A ducted system distributes cool air around the house better than window or wall types and split systems.
  • It is a cost effective option when you need to cool several rooms at the same time or at different times of the day. Instead of purchasing and installing several wall or split-type air conditioners for each room, a ducted system utilises a single powerful compressor to generate and distribute enough cool air to various parts of your home through air ducts and vents that are strategically installed.
  • A ducted air conditioning system can reduce the noise levels in your home as there is greater flexibility in where the noise-generating equipment can be located.
  • The unobtrusive location of the indoor unit of the ducted air conditioning system makes it blend easily with the interior decorating style of your home